Andrew Beckham
Lead Teaching Fellow
Andrew graduated from the University of Nottingham in 2008. He has worked as a Registrar in the Emergency Department (ED) at QMC Nottingham since 2014.
With a passion for both Emergency Medicine and Healthcare Education, he is a Member of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Member of the Academy of Medical Educators. He has completed a Masters in Medical Education, focusing his dissertation on wellbeing initiatives in ED. In DREEAM he has responsibilities for supporting and developing the education team, whilst coordinating undergraduate medical education in ED. He is an Honorary Assistant Professor at the University of Nottingham for his contributions to undergraduate education.
Andrew has an interest in Global Health and is the Clinical Lead for NUH Global Health Partnerships. He has had the privilege of working in a number of healthcare settings, including in Madagascar and South Sudan.
When not at work he is kept busy by his family, and very amateur attempts a triathlons.