We are currently facing the biggest threat to global health in the 21st century

Climate change has seen the global temperature increase faster than ever before. Human activities such as burning fossil fuels for electricity, heating and transport play a huge role in this. Rising temperatures alter our climate resulting in more extreme weather systems, loss of habitats for many species and an increase in natural disasters such as floods and the spread of infectious diseases. This has a direct impact on the health and health equity of our population. There has been a global response to the climate and environmental crisis, with most strategies and agendas referencing to the United Nations 17 Goals and their 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Sustainable development was defined in the World Commission on Environment and Development's 1987 Brundtland report ´Our Common Future` as 'development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs'. The UK government has committed the country to net zero carbon emissions by 2050, with the NHS also committing to net zero by 2040 (direct emissions). The NHS is responsible for about 4% of England’s total carbon emissions, therefore as an organisation it is our responsibility to set forth an agenda to cut our emissions. DREEAM is committed to promoting sustainability in all that we do both inside and outside of our Department. Alongside the trusts allegiance to sustainability we also support Nottingham’s Carbon Neutral Nottingham 2028 ambition to be the first carbon neutral city in the UK by 2028.

Sustainability to DREEAM is the capability to meet the needs of our staff, learners and visitors in the present without compromising the ability of our future colleagues to meet theirs. We will do this through ensuring sustainable development is at the core of all of our activities and in line with the Trust’s own sustainability agenda. We will permeate the principles of sustainability across all of our operations, ensuring we incorporate sustainable practices without negatively affecting process.
Go Green and Lean with DREEAM
Find out more about our Sustainability Strategy...
As part of our commitment, we will:
Travel sustainability where possible by making use of the Park & Ride service.
If you are traveling to us we encourage you to use this Park and Ride service, please click here to find out more about the Medilink bus that goes straight to Queens Medical Centre.
We have recruited 'Green Ambassadors' within DREEAM
Our Green Ambassadors will work together to implement our plans throughout the department and encourage colleagues to also uphold our Recycling Plan.
Follow our Trust's Green Plan
We are part of Nottingham University Hospitals (NUH), we will commit to also following the strategy within our Trust's Green Plan.