The Health Improvement Curriculum has identified several areas of education required within the Emergency Department.  The Emergency Department is under a great deal of strain due to clinical pressures however, with teaching opportunities often difficult to balance.

In September 2023 a new approach to Health Improvement Education was launched in the Emergency Department; HI-5 - a microteaching series.

The aims of the HI-5 programme were to provide education to:

HI-5 Image

Each month a different theme is selected, while topics within that theme vary from week to week.

HI-5 microteaching sessions are designed using the template below: the HEALTH model:

HI-5 Image 2

To start the session, we offer a headline statistic regarding the week’s teaching – for example, 20% of adults in Nottingham smoke.

We then pose a question to the group to further explore the theme – for example, what might be some key reasons people want to quit smoking?

Following this an action is discussed – such as the local stop smoking referral process, before a QR code is offered where staff can learn more about the topic via recommended reading.

Finally, the take home message is repeated to close the session.
