Lucy Morris
Green Ambassador
Lucy graduated from the University of Nottingham in 2017 and started her first job as a registered nurse in the Emergency Department at QMC. She joined the DREEAM Research Team in 2019 and worked across a portfolio of studies in the Emergency Department and Critical Care. While working in the Emergency Department Lucy developed an interest in public health and health improvement and in 2021 became the SCALES Project Lead. The aim of the project was to develop, implement and evaluate a health improvement model within the Emergency Department. Most recently Lucy has started a new role as the Urgent and Emergency Care Health Improvement Collaborative Operational Lead. Lucy is really enjoying her new post and working alongside the alcohol care team, Redthread- youth violence support specialists, the ED social prescribing team and the high intensity service user specialist nurses in the Health Improvement Collaborative (HIC) Hub.
More information about the HIC Hub and the wider health improvement work taking place in Urgent and Emergency Care can be found on the health improvement pages on the DREEAM website.