Welcome to your Advanced Practice 2 phase of the clinical course with DREEAM.
The Critical Illness Attachment (CIA) is a 4 week rotation for medical students taking part in the Advanced Practice 2 (AP2) course at the University of Nottingham Medical School.
The rotation consists of time with our Anaesthetic, Critical Care and Emergency Medicine teams and includes clinical exposure, practical skills, small group teaching and simulation.
DREEAM will support you during your 4 week Critical Illness Attachment.
During this time you will have opportunities to work within the specialties of Emergency Medicine, Critical Care and Anaesthetics.
This will enable you to improve your assessment, clinical-reasoning and decision-making in line with themed weeks. These will develop you as a clinician and support your Intending Learning Outcomes (ILOs), which are in line with the Medical Licensing Assessment (MLA).

During your time in the Emergency Department you will be working in adults and paediatrics, across the breadth of majors, minors and resuscitation areas. You will also have tailored teaching and simulations from the senior medical team and direct supervision on and off the shop floor.
The overarching aims are to develop your skills in assessment, investigation and management of the critically ill patient, as well as hone your practical skills in airway management, analgesia, fluid management and resuscitation. Time in theatres will improve your understanding of anaesthetic principles including relevant physiology and pharmacology.
You will receive your personal timetable prior to attending the induction. If not, please contact a member of the (Undergraduate Medical Education Centre) UMEC team, who are based in south block on A-Floor or come and speak to us at DREEAM reception.
Course Materials
Teaching Sessions
During your rotation in the Emergency Department, you will have bedside teaching and small group teaching with clinical fellows, registrars and consultants.
To prepare for the bedside teaching session, please review the CHAMPS History pages of your CIA handbook.
Links to Clinical Reasoning eLearning material:
Concept Maps
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Friday Immersive Learning Medical Simulation (FILMS)
The Learning Outcomes are directly linked to the CP3 Study guide.
The sessions cover a trial of Four (4) Immersive Learning Scenarios focusing on observation skills ( situational awareness), A- E assessments, Management planning, Investigation and Prescribing.
The four stations are Asthma/ COPD, Burns, Overdose and Shock.
Further reading materials are provided here for these topics and can also be found on the Moodle page of CP3 ACE.