Welcome to the Foundation Year One and Two page
Welcome to DREEAM. During your 4 months with us you can use this portal to find up to date e-Learning and courses from DREEAM.
You will receive Trust and Departmental induction information prior to your start date.
You can find the RCEM Induction Booklet here
Trust Foundation Year One teaching takes place on a weekly basis on Tuesdays at QMC and Thursdays at City in the Education Centre (12:15 - 13:30)
Trust Foundation Year Two teaching takes place on a weekly basis alternating between
QMC and City Education Centres (15:00-17:00)
Departmental Junior Doctor teaching takes place every Wednesday in DREEAM 1500-1600 apart from the last Wednesday of the month
More information can be found on the Junior Doctor portal
The audit process in the Emergency Department is overseen by the Audit Quality Assurance (AQuA) Group. The AQuA group meets alternate weekly in DREEAM. For all audit related enquiries contact the AQuA group
Academic Meeting
The department’s Academic Meeting takes place every Wednesday in DREEAM and is the primary forum for presenting audit, interesting cases, research, service improvement and all
other projects. There are also regular external speakers. Attendance is open to all staff with enrolment via ESR. To arrange a presentation contact
Morbidity and Mortality
The department’s M&M meeting is held in the morning of the second and last Wednesday of the month in DREEAM and so forms part of the monthly registrar teaching days
Quality Improvement Projects
Quality Improvement in the Emergency Department is overseen by the Service Improvement Group (EDSIG). The EDSIG meets alternate weekly in DREEAM and liaising with AQuA
and Governance to compile a list of priority Quality Improvement Projects (QIPs). EDSIG oversees all QIPs taking place in the department and will provide expertise and support to
any trainee undertaking one of the priority QIPs. Contact EDSIG via