Adam Wolverson
Adam currently works as an ICM Consultant in Lincoln and as a Major Trauma Consultant at the East Midlands Major Trauma Centre Nottingham University Hospital and as a consultant for the East Midlands Adult Critical care Co-ordination and transfer Service (ACCOTS)
He has been involved in the East Midlands Major Trauma Network since its inception in 2012 and as Network Medical Lead since 2018 and has had an interest in Trauma that dates back to his training in ICM and Anaesthesia (He has been an ATLS instructor for over 27 years).
Paediatric Trauma care forms a relatively small part of the work major trauma services, and training and education in paediatric trauma has often been provided as part of predominately adult-focused trauma training.
Despite relatively small number of paediatric major trauma cases, paediatric trauma is a very demanding field can often be stressful and emotionally charged for those providing care and presents a number of unique challenges and differences from adult trauma.
Increasingly paediatric major trauma cases are transferred direct to paediatric MTCs meaning that when paediatric trauma cases do present to non-MTC EDs the challenges of managing these cases is increased - the relatively high proportion of significant paediatric trauma that “self presents” to ED means that serious paediatric trauma cases can be seen in any ED.
“NEPTUNE, by creating a forum for focused and dedicated learning related to paediatric major trauma care, can be a major step in specifically addressing the challenges of providing trauma care to seriously injured children and supporting those involved in delivering that care and I am delighted that EMCCN can support the NEPTUNE project.”