Elizabeth Ivey
Elizabeth is a senior registrar in Paediatric Emergency Medicine at Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham. Elizabeth completed her undergraduate training at Brighton and Sussex Medical School. Having completed the majority of her paediatric training in London, she relocated to the East Midlands to undertake RCPCH PEM grid training. She has a strong interest in paediatric trauma and is an instructor on the European Trauma Course. She is an enthusiastic teacher and regularly leads quality improvement work. A particular interest is risk and governance, and using insights from safety processes to drive positive change.
Outside work, Elizabeth enjoys dance especially contemporary and ballet both as an amateur participant and a keen audience member. She loves to hike and is currently making the most of her time in Derbyshire to explore the Peak District and is undertaking the Pennine Way in a series of long weekends.
Elizabeth is one of the NEPTUNE core committee, with responsibility for programme content and speaker liaison. NEPTUNE is a fantastic addition to the conference calendar and will provide a vibrant environment for clinicians caring for paediatric trauma patients at the sharp end to learn, share ideas and continue to drive improvement in paediatric trauma care.