My name is Andrew Beckham.
I am a teaching fellow in Emergency Medicine and am currently undergoing a Masters in Medical Education with the University of Nottingham. I am carrying out a research project to understand the experiences of NHS Emergency Department (ED) staff who have had training designed to support their wellbeing.
I am looking for members of staff, from all professional groups, who have worked in the ED for at least 12 months to take part in interviews across Microsoft Teams. The interviews should last between 60-90 minutes and will explore your perspectives of wellbeing training in which you have participated. Microsoft Teams Training can be provided beforehand if required.
I hope that the results of this research will better enable ED staff to be supported with effective wellbeing training.
If you are interested in being involved, please contact DREEAM.volunteers@nuh.nhs.uk or fill in the consent form here to read more.
I hope to hear from you soon
Thank you for your time!
Fill in this consent form to get involved!