Course Overview

Taking an ECG is a critical skill for any healthcare worker in both primary and secondary care. This course will help you expand your understanding and practical skills for your clinical area, including wards, clinics, primary care and health screening.

What is an ECG?

An electrocardiogram captures electrical activity of the heart, helping clinicians to diagnose cardiovascular disease and electrical abnormalities.

What you’ll learn:

This is a practical course on how to accurately perform and record a 12-lead ECG.

Who will benefit:

This half-day course is aimed at Nurses, HCA’S, CSW’s, AHP’S, ACP’S, Medics, Physician Associates, GP’s, and Paramedics. 


DREEAM, A Floor, West Block, QMC Campus, Derby Road, Nottingham. NG7 2UH

Start and finish times:

08:00 – 12:00 (break is built into the course timetable)


Tea/Coffee will be provided.


The course lead is Kerry Laffan, however you could also be taught by Chloe Alvey, as they both teach ECG, Cannulation and Venepuncture



Please contact us if you have any queries, or if you wish to discuss a bespoke course to fit your specific needs.